Wednesday, July 7, 2010

and here we go...

To say that "time is flying" would be an understatement. Let me put it to you this way: Time hopped on a Japanese bullet train and is headed straight for Germany- Do not pass GO; Do not collect $200. Our summer conference at Calvin College is in two days! I've been so busy as a counselor at Camp that the conference has taken me by surprise. I want to make sure that I have done everything I need to before we get to the conference. With so many forms and correspondences, it's easy for a girl to get turned around. Now that I have laid out all of the information, my mind has become considerably less tangled. The preparation stage is so intricate. Sometimes I forget that everyone else has to go through the same thing and even have it harder with visas and country correspondence. I have to say that Deutschland is great at getting information to me quickly. They have made this so much easier. I'm excited to see everyone at the conference and see how they're doing with their preparation. Also, I get to meet some of the Rebounds fresh off planes from Germany and even Bavaria! It'll be enlightening to hear their stories and get some advice. The next time you hear from me will most likely be right before I leave. Until then, Auf Wiedersehen!--sjinternational

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